BHCA Membership is Encouraged

First appeared in Basset Tales - May 2015

By Don Bullock

Something that keeps coming up between the Basset Hound Club of Southern California, Inc. and the Basset Hound Club of America, Inc. (BHCA) is that many of our local club members are not members of BHCA. As the BHCSC President this is something I’d like to see improve. The BHCA is our breed’s parent club as recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). They are responsible for promoting and protecting our breed nationally. While our club works hard to do that here in Southern California the BHCA needs more support if they are going to be successful nationally. The BHCA also publishes one of the best breed magazines in the United States called Tally-Ho. A bi-monthly subscription to this wonderful magazine about basset hounds is included with BHCA membership. Information on BHCA membership can be found on their website ( under the pull down menu choice HOME. While you’re on there check out the rest of the website. There is a lot of information on it. The website contains information about the organization, basset hounds, basset events and the BHCA Foundation. 

To become a full BHCA member you’ll need a club member to sponsor you. If the breeder/rescuer you got your basset hound from is a BHCA member they will be happy to sponsor you for BHCA membership. If they can’t help contact me and I’ll work with you on finding a sponsor. I’ll be your sponsor as well. I hope that our members will consider joining the BHCA.