All club members and guests are welcome to come to our Specialty Shows (a show where only basset hounds compete). These shows provide an excellent way for anyone interested in basset hounds to see wonderful examples of the breed plus meet their owners and breeders.

By attending our shows you'll be showing your support for those club members who are doing their best to uphold the AKC Standard for Basset Hounds. They are also among the very few who are helping to maintain our wonderful breed.

At shows like this bassets are judged against the AKC Standard for Basset Hounds by licensed AKC judges. It is a written description of a perfect basset hound. It's important that all bassets are bred to this Standard. There is a copy of this Standard on our club’s website.

There are three different events each day at a BHCSC Specialty dog show before the actual main event. Early in the morning we have Obedience and Rally. These events are where bassets have been trained to perform specific tasks. Afterwards we have a Sweepstakes conformation competition. This is for puppies and veterans to compete in a more relaxed atmosphere than the actual show. Breeders get a chance to show of their young puppies and our veteran bassets get to compete as well. Sweepstakes winners get a portion of the entry money.

On both days after the Sweepstakes is an actual dog show. This event is our main event of each day. It’s where official AKC Championship and Grand Championship points can be earned. The show ends with one basset hound being selected Best of Breed. There is also a Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. In addition a male and female are also awarded Select Dog and Bitch. This award includes points toward their Grand Championships. There are also some Awards of Merit for those bassets the judge feels deserve to be so honored. These are limited in number based on the number of bassets entered in the show and the judge’s discretion.

A schedule for the show weekend will be available on the BHCSC website once it is ready. You can use it to plan your day. Look for it early in the week before the show.

Bring your own comfy chairs to sit in to enjoy the shows. Plan for an enjoyable day surrounded by wonderful basset hounds and great people. Don't hesitate to ask questions. We’re a friendly bunch.

Feel free to make a lunch reservation (see Specialty Food page) or bring your own lunch. (There is a deadline for food reservations.)

If you have never been to a dog show you might want to check out our pages Basset Specialty Dog Shows and Dog Shows Explained.

We hope to see you there.

Don Bullock, BHCSC Webmaster

Trophy Donations Welcomed

Our BHCSC Specialty Shows are right around the corner and once again the BHCSC is asking for your help in providing for trophies and prizes. This year's shows will be a 2 day event, March 23th and 24 th. The location will be the Canyon RV Park at Fetherly Regional Park in Anaheim, California.

The BHCSC will continue to offer trophies for the top winners and prizes for first through fourth place in every class - A total of more than 90 items for each show. This is only possible through the generous support of our wonderful club members and friends!

Every year our club offers unique and exciting trophies, thus making them very appreciated and sought after! Some of our prizes this year will feature the wonderful and creative artistry of Renee Bane. We urge you to make a donation this year and remember that we are providing for 2 days of shows. If you are interested in pledging to a specific trophy, i.e. Winner's Bitch, Best of Breed, etc. please let us know on your pledge.

Please plan on attending these beautiful shows; you will have a great time, as you'll be surrounded by a lot of Basset Hounds and some really nice people.

Please take a moment to fill out and return the trophy pledge form that you received by mail to us today OR send a check for your trophy donation to the address below. With your check tell us how you'd like your name to be listed in the show catalog and if you're pledging your donation to a specific award. Please mail your donation to the address below.

Many Thanks,

BHCSC Trophy Committee

Send donations to:

Dana Skaff

P.O. Box 4353

Sunland, CA 91041-4353

LINK: Email Dana

Everyone is Welcome

For more information of conformation dog shows check out Dog Shows Explained.

For information on BHCSC shows check out Basset Specialty Dog Shows.

For information on dog shows for all breeds and information on local dog shows check out All Breed Dog Shows.

Additional features for the weekend:

AKC NOHS Competition offered BOTH days.

Eligibility MUST be indicated on entry form.

At the bottom of the Entries Page are links to the entry lists in a pdf form that can be downloaded and printed.

March 22-23, 2025

We will be holding two Basset Hound Club of Southern California Specialty Shows on this weekend.

Location: Canyon RV Park within Featherly Regional Park, Anaheim, CA (there is a $5 fee per vehicle to enter the park each day)

Driving Directions & Map Link: Canyon RV Park Directions & Map BELOW

Website Link: Canyon RV Park

Website Link: Featherly Regional Park

Parking : $5.00/day (pay at RV Park Office)

Saturday, March 22, BHCSC Specialty Show

Conformation Judge: Sylvie McGee     

Sweepstakes (puppy & veteran) Judge: Mr. Stephen Cabral

Obedience or Rally: At this time we are uncertain if these will be offered

Sunday, March 23, BHCSC Specialty Show

Conformation Judge: Adrian Quesada

Sweepstakes (puppy & veteran) Judge: Russ Kirk

Obedience or Rally: At this time we are uncertain if these will be offered



Basset Hound

Specialty Show Weekend


Silent Auction: Kathy Kirk has been working hard on this part of the BHCSC Specialty Weekend. She has some wonderful items and is still adding more. If you have items to donate please let her know.

Start saving your money.

Please email Kathy Kirk at

Meals Information

LINK: A downloadable/printable pdf of the above directions.

To download this file click on the link above. Once the page appears on your computer screen simply print it out using your web browser.

Raffel Baskets: Saturday (contact Kay Haggard for more information)

A 50/50 Raffle: Sunday

Entries Page


Judging Schedule


If you're frustrated with printing the Premium List sent by the Show Secretary click link below for a printable Premium list using the link under Premium List below.

BHCSC 2025 Specialties

Premium List

Special NOTE:

The club does not accept credit or debit cards, but checks and cash are fine.  Thank you to everyone who donated this year.

We want you to know that all club members and any basset hound lovers are invited to attend this show. See below on this page for more information.

Will be posted as soon as it's available.

Will be posted as soon as it's available.

Will be posted as soon as it's available.

Will be posted as soon as it's available.

Will be posted as soon as it's available.

Additional information will be posted as soon as it's available to the webmaster.

PLEASE NOTE:      Unless YOU tell us you want to compete in Rally at our 2025 March Specialty, we do not plan offer this AKC event. We currently do not believe we will have an entry.